• The student who seek to take admission in the course will have to abide by the rules and regulations laid down by the college and the University relating to attendance, class work, assignments, test performance and such other things, failing which they will not be allowed to appear at the University Examination.
  • Each subject shall consist of 100 marks divided into 70 marks for University examination and 30 marks for internal evaluation which is done continuously throughout a semester through class test, assignments, class participation, punctuality and sincerity of a student in attending classes.
  • There shall be 1 internal examination of 50 marks each in every semester and failing to appear in these internal exams will lead to withdrawal of University exam form.
  • Every student must have an identity card. He/She should always keep it while on college campus and should produce it whenever called upon, to do so by the concerned authorities. 
  • Students are required to read the notice displayrd on the notice boards of the college. The college shall not accept any responsibility for any loss / damage incurred by a student owing to his / her failure to read the notices in time.
  • Use of mobile phones in the college campus is strictly prohibited.
  • The concerned authority reserves the right to expel any students at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the concerned authority as misbehaviour in the college campus.